National Goodwill Ambassadors

National Goodwill Ambassadors

UNDP Goodwill Ambassadors

They are at the top of their field, whether it be in broadcasting, the literary world or the football stadium, with talents and achievements that have made them household names in their own, and in some cases, in many other countries.

Despite their diverse claims to fame, they all share a deep concern for the world's poor and a commitment to making the planet a better place for all, ridding it of poverty, combating HIV/AIDS, ensuring environmental sustainability, protecting human rights, and empowering women.

They are Goodwill Ambassadors, prominent individuals that are appointed by the United Nations Development Programme to highlight priority development issues and help amplify the urgent and universal message of human development and accelerate achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. 

They articulate the UNDP development philosophy and programmes of self-reliant opportunities and motivate people to act in the interest of improving their own lives and those of their fellow citizens.

In China, UNDP is represented by our National Goodwill Ambassadors, actress Zhou Xun and actress and film director Zhao Wei.

Latest News

November 2016

Today acclaimed Chinese actress and film director Zhao Wei was appointed the National Goodwill Ambassador for UNDP in China. In her new role, the actress will focus on raising awareness for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular highlighting poverty reduction and gender equality. Read more

September 2016

UNDP proudly announced the names of their first global Animal Ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Goals, Qi Qi and Dian Dian. Qi means inspiration and Dian means enlightenment. Together, “Qidian” means the starting point of a new future: the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals. Read more

May 2016

UNDP China National Goodwill Ambassador, actress Zhou Xun traveled to the Chengdu Panda Base to meet with her newest fellow UNDP Ambassadors, the UNDP Animal Ambassadors for the Sustainable Development Goals. Read more

Oct 2015

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in collaboration with the Chengdu Panda Base, have today launched a social media campaign to name two baby panda twins, which have been donated as Pambassadors for UNDP in China. Worldwide these are UNDP’s first animal ambassadors. Read more

June 2014

“What do you think of when you see the colour green?”In an effort to further explore the path of sustainability, UNDP China has unveiled its first-ever animated Public-Service Advertisement (PSA), ‘Green,’ which focuses on the concept and daily application of green consumption. Read more

Oct 2013

We are proud to partner with Zhou Xun, our Goodwill Ambassador, and, China’s leading social networking platform dedicated to sharing reliable science, to explore the concept and practices behind Green Consumption. Read more

March 2011

UNDP China National Goodwill Ambassador Zhou Xun has been honored as one of the 2011 Young Global Leaders by the World Economic Forum. Read more

July 2010

UNDP announced today in Beijing that its National Goodwill Ambassador Zhou Xun generously donated her Champion of the Earth award winnings (US$ 19,975) to UNDP’s Yushu Earthquake Emergency Rehabilitation of Community Infrastructure in Earthquake Affected Areas Project, to meet the immediate needs of Yushu earthquake survivors. Read more