Sustainable Development Goals in Motion: China’s Progress and the 13th Five-Year Plan

Sustainable Development Goals in Motion: China’s Progress and the 13th Five-Year Plan

June 16, 2016

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) were adopted at the United Nations Summit in September 2015. How they can be effectively implemented is now brought to the forefront of discussion. At the global level, a SDG Indicator Framework was developed to help with sound monitoring and reporting of the SDGs at multiple levels. Emphasis has also been placed on prioritization of SDGs for implementation based on national development focus. China is looked upon for further development efforts, given its remarkable progress during the past 15 years. Therefore, the study provides a first systematic attempt to review China’s progress in certain priority SDGs, and what policy support is available to potentially contribute to implementation. The study intends to provide useful insights for the Chinese government and other countries, which look to implementing, prioritizing and reporting their SDGs as soon as possible.