China Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review

China Climate Public Expenditure and Institutional Review

September 20, 2016

Since 2011, over twenty CPEIRs or similar studies have been implemented globally. The Governance of Climate Change Finance team based in UNDP’s Bangkok Regional Hub has been supporting CPEIRs as a tool to help Ministries of Finance and Planning, together with Climate Change related institutions, understand better the depth and breadth of their investments that relate to climate change. The purpose of the review is to help initiate discussion on how climate change can be better integrated into the budget process.

With UNDP support, a number of countries have now implemented budget related reforms that more systematically bring climate change considerations into budget formulation and reporting processes, for example. Methodologies for implementing CPEIRs vary according to the context and priorities that each country has delineated for the focus of a CPEIR. For example, in the case of China, this first CPEIR has been conducted to identify and classify expenditures according to high, medium and low relevance to climate change. A weighting of expenditures has not been undertaken based on the data that was reviewed. Further methodological guidance on implementing CPEIRs, as well as other country examples of CPEIR reports and the reforms that have been supported to mainstream climate change within the budget is available at

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